Printed Materials
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1. 2. 3. 4.
These model cards combine printing layout & Photoshop work. The company required to see the full model in each pic.
This occasionally caused layout problems. I would have to extend images so the did not have blank areas on the cards.
Card #1: The lower right image, the orange & green couch was extended.
Card #2: Both the white wood fence & lower right orange walls were extended.
Card #3: The same photo positions as #2 were both extended.
Card #4: The top left pic (on the quadrant side) was from a magazine cover. The Magazine logo was removed from her hair & forehead.

Designed many business cards.The 1st 3 cards show my technique for masking out people.
The 4th card is 1 of many where I had to font match as well as find the original matching image to duplicate the original card.

Designed out hundreds of flyers & brochures. The 1st 3 are just examples.
The 4th one was a 6 color embossed letterhead. Which had to be precisionly designed to print correctly.